Our Work

Promoting community driven approaches to peace, security and development.

Promoting Gender Equality and Social Inclusion.

Strengthening links and networks among peacebuilding actors, such as CSOs, artists, educators, and peace activists, by jointly identifying, promoting, and implementing dialogue and trust-building activities.

Identifying the main issues regarding peace and security that affect Northern Ghana.

Discussing perspectives, challenges, and priorities to support the active participation of CSOs in conflict prevention, social cohesion, conflict transformation, and peacebuilding.

Sharing work experiences on peacebuilding that may be relevant for Northern Ghana.

Promoting awareness-building and defense of human rights.

Raising awareness and educating communities and schools on the nature, dynamics, and dangers of various forms of extremism (ethnic, social, political, and religious), recruitment, and radicalization processes.

Encouraging the exchange of information and collaboration among CSOs working for peace and security in Northern Ghana.

Raising awareness of the need for the prevention of armed violence, including during elections in Ghana.

Bringing the dangers of religious, political, and ethnic extremism and radical positions to the attention of local communities and key stakeholders.